Surname | Bailey | |||
First Name(s) | Walter George | |||
Place of Birth | Thame | |||
Club(s) | Nottingham Forest Reading | |||
Service | British Army | |||
Rank | Captain | |||
Service Number | - | |||
Previous Service Number(s) | F/290 | |||
Regiment or Corps | Norfolk Regiment | |||
Unit(s) | 2nd Battalion* | |||
Previous Regiment(s) or Corps | Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex) Regiment | |||
Unit(s) | 17th (Service) Battalion (1st Football) | |||
Type of Casualty (If applicable) | - | |||
Theatre of War (If applicable) | - | |||
Date of Death (If applicable) | - | |||
Place of Death (If applicable) | - | |||
Place of Burial/Commemoration (If applicable) | - | |||
Grave/Memorial Reference (If applicable) | - | |||
Awards and Decorations | Distinguished Service Order Military Cross & Two Bars | |||
Citation(s) | Distinguished Service Order: T./2nd Lt. Walter George Bailey, M.C., 2nd Bn., Suffolk R. "For conspicuous gallantry and able leadership as Battalion Intelligence Officer at Romeries, Escarmain and Beaudignies on 23rd October, 1918. He went forward and found that a company had become disorganised owing to the loss of all its officers, and was hesitating to go forward. He immediately took command, rallied the men, and succeeded in getting them to their objective under heavy shell fire. Later, he led them in the assault on the final objective. He showed great skill in consolidating the positions gained and in the disposal of his force." (The London Gazette, Supplement 31583, 3 October 1919.) Military Cross: T./2nd Lt. Walter George Bailey, Norfolk R. "For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. When the line had to be reformed under heavy machine-gun fire, this officer moved about, placing the men in the best positions. He then made several journeys to an ammunition dump in front of the line, bringing back ammunition which was much needed. He also brought back a man who was lying wounded in the open." (The London Gazette, Supplement 30813, 23 July 1918.) Bar to Military Cross: T ./2nd Lt. W alter George Bailey, M.C., Norf. R., attd. 2nd Bn., Suff. R. "For conspicuous gallantry during an advance. Accompanied by one orderly he rushed a machine-gun post which was holding up the advance of the battalion, and captured 1 officer, 23 men, and 2 machine guns. Later in the day he made a reconnaissance under very heavy fire, and brought back information as to the position of the battalion. Two days later, accompanied by his orderly and two other men, he went forward and attacked two enemy machine guns, scattering the crews and killing several. His utter disregard of danger was magnificent." (The London Gazette, Supplement 31043, 29 November 1918.) Second Bar to Military Cross: T./2nd Lt. Walter George Bailey, M.C., attd. 2nd Bn. Suff. R. "For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty at Seranvillers on October 8th, 1918. He assembled the troops, and afterwards with a few scouts moved forward with the attack, He cleared the village and, with four men, captured prisoners and machine guns. He reorganised men of the battalion who had lost their companies and then went out and ascertained the enemy's dispositions under very heavy machine-gun and shell fire. Greatly owing to his gallant and determined leadership all objectives were gained." (The London Gazette, Supplement 31480, 30 July 1919.) | |||
Supplementary Notes | *Attached 2nd Suffolk Regiment. Commissioned 28/08/1917. Mentioned in Despatches 8 July 1919. |